Florida's new NACHI state chapter President.

Well I hope you keep doing the sponsored 2 day events. They are are great way of learning something new and gaining extra certification at a good price.

Hi Carl,

The 2 day events will continue on a quarterly basis. They will be moving around the state to allow everyone close access.

At least that is my understanding at this time.

It is my intent to have the Space Coast Chapter offer one of these two day events during the last quarter of this year in Central Florida. We will discuss it at our chapter meeting in March.

Greg is “somewhat” correct Carl…atleast in the parts that the 2 Day Events will continue and in the part that they will now be “traveling” accross the state…what we are not abosolutely positive about is if they will be Quarterly or evrey 2 months.

Quarterly is what I and Greg would like to see, but also that would mean that we could only go to 4 out of the 6 venues each year.

The proposed QUARTERLY venues are:

  • Fort Lauderdale - April 2006
  • Tampa - July 2006
  • Jacksonville - October 2006
  • Naples - January 2006
    [FONT=Verdana]- Orlando - March 2007[/FONT]
  • Tallahasee - Jun 2007

Proposed BiMonthly Venues would be:

  • Fort Lauderdale - April 2006
  • [FONT=Arial]Tampa - June 2006
  • Jacksonville - August 2006
    [FONT=Verdana]- Orlando - October 2006[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial][FONT=Verdana]- Naples - December 2006[/FONT][/FONT]
  • Tallahasee - Feb 2007

Again, after the team is comprised we will have a better idea and then look to the Florida Members for suggestions.

Forgive me Carl, I should have waited for Harvey to answer. Any opinions expressed by me are my own.


I like your numbers. Good deal for all. I also like $$ and some “retained earnings” for “non profits” but I am also for accountability.

50 students a weekend at $200.00 is $10,000

5 educational “events” a year is $50,000.00

This will provide some additional education for about 500 inspectors in Florida. Remember that Florida has about 1000 NACHI members and yes we do get some non NACHI inspectors at these events but we can run out of inspectors esp if the classes are the same all the time. It is called saturating the market.

After talking to some of the other chapter presidents at the convention, I find out that $20,000 a weekend is more of the norm for an “educational event” esp in our area. I would guess that chapter competition for this type of money will exist once chapter presidents learn how to advertise, plan and manage these events. Your success will be cloned.

As far as expenses go, you know the numbers on that end better than I do. Instructors can be free to $1000.00 a day. Meeting place free to big $$ - staff expenses fee to government perdiem rates. In any case these events involve a lot of money that can be used to uplift our profession.

Harvey my agenda is not hidden. JUST ASK It is real simple – accountability. While I have complete trust in people and their personal integrity, I know that sometimes things don’t always go as planned and people get hurt – esp when it comes to competition, money and friends.

I know. I have seen lives destroyed in the telecommunication industry because of lack of accountability.

So get the 501c3 paperwork going with all the safeguards to protect us all. I would like to see Florida have the deep pockets that some of our other HI orgs have so we too can waste money on a lobbyist that does not pay off. (Over my dead body)

BTW I am not upset by you suggesting that I have a hidden agenda. Just a little surprised that you would think that questions of this nature would not be coming.


Hi Richard,

I just wanted to share my thoughts on this.

I feel that all of us need to go into this feeling that there will be no hidden agendas or people looking to give an advantage to one region over another. We are all going to work for what is best for all Florida members.


You speak with conviction and I believe you when you say that no one has a hidden agenda about NACHI Florida’s future. I understand that a proctored Florida State NACHI exam is on the table for consideration. I understand that money is needed to be politically active. I understand that if run right “educational events” can bring in a lot of money.

I just have not heard anything other than what has been posted. I believe that the agenda is written but shall we say not printed yet. I find it hard to understand that the amount of money that we are talking about does not have a conceptual plan around it.

As a side thought I also see the day went Florida NACHI will have a payed staff. To start off with a good admin type that knows the HI profession. Someone will have to do the 501c3 tax paper work. These things take money and state - chapter dues, education and CE (properly managed with a good strategic and tactical plan) will bring in the money for the good of all members.

Would you turn down $1000.00 to teach a class on building code or do you believe that NACHI members teach NACHI members free of charge?

I am very pleased that you and Harvey have gone public about some of these issues. I get scared when I here nothing. Then I think about agendas that somehow I might have missed in the night

And Greg good luck with your new chapter. I hope it lives long - well and prospers.


501©(3) or 501©(6)???

Hi Richard,

As far as instructors teaching at our events I can only speak for myself. I am working on programs that I can present at these events. I also will be working on being able to provide hands on experiences to our members during these events and at next years convention. Just wondering how you knew that I would be working on a code course? I will not consider being paid a fee for these events until all chapters in Florida have the funds to promote their members. I do feel that these events should budget funds to pay the expenses of anyone who offers their services at no charge while we build up our coffers. But I have no idea if that will happen or not. With that being said I would like to see a members entrance fee for the events set as if we were paying instructors. That will build up funds faster and not create a problem when the day comes that we have to pay for all of our instructors. As you said it would get old if we had the same speakers over and over.


We are this page together - mileage plus government perdiem or get someone else. The money should be there with no problem.

Code course??? – Someone must have said something to me - but for the life of me I can’t remember. Sometimes these things just come with the wind.

I think all HI’s want to be instructors. Just so we can sit back and relax and stay out of tight places.


Richard, floridaNACHI, is about all members, as you are quite rightly vocal on issues close to your heart, why don’t you contact Harvey and offer your services based on your areas of interest and expertise.



Florida NACHI would have to be a 501C6 not a C3, as a C3 is a public charity and a C6 is a membership organization.

The biggest diffence is that in a C3 your contribution is tax dedectible as a donation. But in a C6 you dues are only deductible as a business expense.

One should always ask the advice of their tax guru when making these deductions.