Originally Posted By: thejnicki This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Might have been an air pocket that was repaired,(photo 1) or upgraded during the rebuild… I worked on quite a bit of those burnouts in the Oakland hills.
Whoa thats a problem, did you refer a structural engineer for evaluation?
Originally Posted By: ccoombs This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The corner picture looks like a void area during the pour. Not something I would worry about. However, the other item is an issue. Although it may not be part of the house, it is still a big concern. I think it was a good call on your part.
Originally Posted By: mcyr This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Brian hope you are fine;
The pictures do no justice in telling the whole story, because they are so small.
What it tells me is that the foundation was originally poured and formed with wood boards and knowing that vibrators did not exist in those years they had a rat's nest in the corner. Upon stripping the wood forms it was reformed on the inside and parged patched from the outside.
That is the best conclusion I cam make from this small photo.
One other picture, seems to resemble transite pipe, either for sewer or drainage.
Small crack in foundation, no worry.
Confide in a structural engineer, good call. Request an older guy that can relate to older issues of engineering. ha. ha.