Originally Posted By: mcyr This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If this house is from 1955 era, what is this pressure treated sill with the zinc bolts that should be galvanized with the G185 coating or stainless due the pressure treatment. Or is this the 1955 pressure treatment that did not corrode fasteners? Ha. Ha. .
House of that Era, did not surprise me to see these photos. They are still standing.
Pipe penetrations nonetheless excessive inability to coordinate using the proper tools.
Originally Posted By: lewens This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This what happens when the plumber doesn’t have a coring bit. Not that I blame him for the cost of the damn things. That last photo??? looks to me like it sould have been poured with the cast in place rather than the waste pipe being an afterthought, fubar anyway.