Originally Posted By: bkelly1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
True, This is only a small sample of repairs needed. I called for a structural engineer. He quoted the figure for repairs needed. Buyer walked and broker sold it 5 months later. Another inspector inspected it, noted 1,000.00 of repairs and house sold. I was called for the same inspection but had shoulder surgery and could not get to it. I am thinking eventually broker or inspector will be getting a call.
Originally Posted By: bkelly1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Consider this a very small sample. Which it was. The corners of house had seperated about 1/2 inch on both sides, corresponding cracks. One added on room had no foundation. Basement area of house had cracked, settled, etc. But, maybe the years the engineering firm spent in school were all a waste?
Originally Posted By: mcyr This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi. Ben hope you are fine;
First two pictures;
Was the blockwork aiming for the support beam or the beam aiming for the block wall? Just being smart. ha. ha.
Last pictures, showing very disturbing settlement somewhere, but can't really tell due the small picture.
This place definitely has a problem. I can not believe Realtors would try to pawn off this on an innocent buyer.
Originally Posted By: randerson1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Believe it!! They do it all the time. That is why some Realtors hate us so much. We make thier job tougher, and if we point out too many problems and they loose the sale they never call back. That’s what we get for doing the job that is expected of us.
Originally Posted By: mcyr This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Ben, One picture shows that there is no ledger or hoist hanger on the support of the joist. What's up with that?
I tend to agree with Robert, that when we inspect and do a good job for the owner, we do not get call backs. This has happened to me already and only do this part time. I am a Commercial Builder for 35 years and trying to pick up a clientele for my retirement years. It seems if you are too good, realestate agents don't recommend you because they will lose some money.
Any of you guys and girls have any remedy for this scenario out there?