foundation walls

I encountered Concrete block foundation walls at Front porch and under roofed deck at a new home. At 3 locations, the perpendicular walls are not ‘laced’ or stacked into adjacent wall, but butt to them. One location is an interior support wall under front wall of home, and the wall it abuts extends out under the front porch. The other is built outside of the perimeter foundation under a covered deck. In my experience, I’ve always seen block ‘laced’ together, and when it’s not, it moves and cracks. I’m wondering if any of you have encountered this, and if you would consider this a material defect?


Here is a close-up.



They could be doweled with rebar together .

Not sure what you mean?

They drill (or whatever) into the perpendicular wall and insert rebar. The rebar extend into the other wall tying them together.
Walls do not have to be joined if the proper footing and other particulars are present.

Ok, gotcha. Thanks. I have no way of verifying rebar. I do suppose codes would have had to approve construction of this foundation (Metro Nashville TN)
Thanks Roy

Something like this…

7-19-2014 6-08-53 PM.jpg

Right. Great illustration. Ive seen this done, but didn’t see any evidence of poured cores or rebar.

If it wasn’t cracking or anything else, then no issue noted.

OK, Thanks Roy. Have a good weekend.

I didn’t see the second pic
Note the cracks.

I added a close-up, yes absolutely. They buttered the joint and the mortar has already cracked. It always seems to crack. I see this done with brick alot at bay windows.
I’m going to note it for further monitoring.