Free Electrical Class in Baltimore, MD

Originally Posted By: gjohnson
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Joe Tedesco will be teaching an 8 Hour electrical class near Baltimore, MD on April 17, 2004. The class will promptly start at 8am and run till around 4 or 5.

Joe asks that people bring any photos, questions, or stories with them.

The class will be held at the:
At the Holiday in at BWI Airport
Holiday Inn
890 Elkridge Landing Rd.
Toll-Free: 1-800-810-0271
Tel: 1-410-859-8400
Fax: 1-410-859-8060

The class is open and free to all NACHI members, Non-NACHI members will be charged $100.00 that is payable towards your NACHI membership.
AM/PM Snacks and drinks will be provided, I am still working on the lunch scenario.

There will also be raffles and giveaways at the end of the day.

Plese rsvp me at

Gary (Snicker's) Johnson - Free NACHOS
The NACHI Foundation
Executive Director


Originally Posted By: jtedesco
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Here is some of the work that was recently done at a Wal-Mart Super center in West Palm Beach, Florida.

The work was done by "out of the back of a truck type people" at $14.00 hour!!

The electrical contractor (from Orlando) was paying for an outside electrical inspection service!

The electrical inspector has no knowledge of this quality work done by this company.


Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant

Originally Posted By: jtedesco
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

The Electrical Safety Foundation International reminds you that May is National Electrical Safety Month, and proudly announces the release of the 2004 ?May Kit?, an electrical safety campaign kit for May or anytime of year!

Get Your "May Kit" Here:

Newbury Street, Boston, Massachusetts 3/04 - Photos By Joe Tedesco

I will have some ESFI handouts at the April 17, 2004 seminar.

This is the type of information that homeowners should see. It will help them to understand the hazards associated with the improper use of and installation of electrical equipment!

Joe Tedesco, NEC Consultant