Originally Posted By: gjohnson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joe Tedesco will be teaching an 8 Hour electrical class near Baltimore, MD on April 17, 2004. The class will promptly start at 8am and run till around 4 or 5.
Joe asks that people bring any photos, questions, or stories with them.
The class will be held at the:
At the Holiday in at BWI Airport
Holiday Inn
890 Elkridge Landing Rd.
Toll-Free: 1-800-810-0271
Tel: 1-410-859-8400
Fax: 1-410-859-8060
The class is open and free to all NACHI members, Non-NACHI members will be charged $100.00 that is payable towards your NACHI membership.
AM/PM Snacks and drinks will be provided, I am still working on the lunch scenario.
There will also be raffles and giveaways at the end of the day.
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have plans on arriving at the hotel around 2 PM on Friday April 16. How many of those who are planning on attending the Saturday session will be arriving on Friday as well?
We have a busy agenda planned, and Gary will have a binder for you with information that will be of some use. I will also show some videos related to existing house wiring and AFCI's, and handouts from the ESFI.
I imagine that NACHI members, and or other persons who are Home Inspectors will bring a business card and some information for show and tell and for a drawing of some surprises.
For show and tell, any old defective or old electrical items are always fun and if you have any old electrical books -- I will make you a deal for them!! -- I have been collecting them for many decades!