Free Online Snell Training Session: Buying an infrared camera

I wanted to personally invite all of you, especially those who are considering purchase of an IR camera, to attend an online learning session I’m giving tomorrow at 11:00am EST. This one hour course is being offered at no cost.

You can find details on our website at:
<<>>. Just click on the link to “Buying an infrared camera for building thermographers.” The course description is as follows:

“Purchasing an infrared camera represents a sizeable investment, whether the buyer is a consultant or company staff member. There are many choices in the market today, many of them excellent. This live presentation will help you understand the important factors to consider as you define your real needs and will provide attendees with the opportunity to ask questions. The Snell Group provides objective information on all brands of infrared equipment and is independent of any camera sales.”

As many of you know, we do not sell cameras or take commissions on sale. We simply try to provide the highest quality information possible to thermographers. We hope you enjoy this course and will, as a result, try some of our other paid courses that focus on the needs of building thermographers.

Thermally yours,

John Snell
ASNT NDT Thermal/Infrared Level III #48166
Snell Infrared

Thanks to all NACHI members who joined us this morning. It was a very successful online course. We will be offering it again and I will let you know as it is scheduled.

In the meantime, we also have a White Paper (no cost) available called “Buying an Infrared Camera” for those who are interested. See <<>> for details.

Thermally yours,

John Snell
ASNT NDT Thermal/Infrared Level III #48166
Snell Infrared

Thanks John.:slight_smile:

Thanks for the info. I just wish that you had been more specific on which camera not to buy. but I understand why you didn’t.


Don’t forget the one part where John discussed how a client would perceive you when you arrive on site with one type of camera or the other. Was that not a suggestion in that area?