Excellent source of information:
Thanks Kevin!
If I can post this without seeming to be self-serving, I would also direct you to the online issues of our quarterly newsletter, “Think Thermally,” at <https://www.thesnellgroup.com/Content/ThinkThermally.aspx>. MANY of the past articles will be of interest to InterNACHI members who are using IR or who are considering jumping into the technology.
If you’d like to receive a copy of this either on line or in the mail, you can sign up for that at our website as well at < https://www.thesnellgroup.com/eNewsSignup.aspx>.
I hope you enjoy reading current and past issues and find them of value.
Thermally yours,
John Snell
ASNT NDT Level III #48166
Snell Infrared
Nice, thanks John - I just signed up.
John, good post, I subscribe and find the Snell group has a lot to offer, especially to us in the northeast.
Thanks Kevin…Great Info