Frozen water system

Originally Posted By: kleonard
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I inspected a house today where the heater ran out of fuel oil and subsequenlty all the water lines & toilets in the house have froze.

Not quite sure what to recommend on this one.

Any help would be appreciated.



Originally Posted By: pdacey
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

A good plumber.


Patrick Dacey
TREC # 6636

Originally Posted By: rpalac
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I would absolutely first without hesitation have the water primary valve at the meter turned off! (if the meter is not frozen-if the meter has frozen water on the outside get a plumber to turn off the curb c*#k or valve)

If the lines are broken and water pressure hasn't gone through it will be a bigger mess when it thaws.

I would follow that by immediately opening the water all valves to allow the remaining water in the lines to drain down.
I would include the radiators especially) They Might have hair line cracks that wont leak till the heat expands them.

Have the tank refilled and have it primed and re-heat the house. After the house is up to temp for a day. (If the house was vacant)
I would then have a plumber out to have all the lines check before turning the water on. Then have the plumber restore the water.

If lines are cracked they probably could be repaired or zoned off until the insurance company has been called.

Oh yeah, Ps. call the insurance company right away, keep notes, phone numbers, times, estimates, and all receipts.

Bob P.

Originally Posted By: kleonard
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Thanks, I am calling the selling agent now.
