furnace R vent

Originally Posted By: Restez
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These I believe are return vents or they were because this picture

shows the furnace witha vent on the rht side [ should this hook to

something ] and up top on lftside [should this be a extension to furnace.

tell me what you think

[ Image: http://www.nachi.org/bbsystem/usrimages/more/100_0426.JPG ]

Originally Posted By: mike garcia
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I saw a furnace just like this in a two story . it was upstairs in the closet .

very similir. mine had two vents just like this on both sides , identical

and went to the attic but were not hooked to anything . I saw no harm

because it wasn’t an exhaust vent it was a return . Was i wrong on this

call not to call it ? if so call what that there was a open space in the furnace closet


Originally Posted By: psabados
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It appears that this furnace is in a closet. Was the door louvered or was there vents in the walls allowing for make-up combustion air? What is the approximate age of the dwelling? And is this the original furnace or a replacement?


Originally Posted By: pdacey
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Those are vents to allow draft and combustion air into the closet for the furnace.


Patrick Dacey
TREC # 6636