About all I comment on in such cases is what I can see - that there is measured moisture intrusion at that location which is conducive to mold formation and other possible damage, etc.
Even though the grading, gutters, and downspouts look ok, it is pretty likely that there is water running toward that side of the house for some reason, so I would recommend that the source of water be located and diverted without trying to guess how best to do that.
This section with efflorescence below grade? If so may be lacking waterproofing.
Even though grade may be O.K. soil may hold water and over time allow water penetration.
Also possible moisture barrier missing under the slab since it looks like the efflorescence is going around the perimeter.
we had a crapload of snow here this year Dave,…did you ask if this was new or have they had it in the past…yeah i know…that’s almost impossible to find out…
James that is one four letter word I did not want to here for awhile.
I just like be able to explain to my clients what was the cause and possable solution. The **** could be the reason.
Seems like yesterday trudging around in the 2, 3 feet of snow. I also like the question of what does the roof look like. My ski slope answer does not go over real well.