Aside from having the photo electronic eyes that came into use in 1992, garage doors are also outfitted with a secondary auto reverse, correct?
Let’s say the garage door was crushing something (or someone), isn’t there a pressure activated reverse mechanism that will cause the door to open back up? If so, this does not count as an auto reverse right?
There should be an auto reverse for safety anytime door meets resistance. I use my hands to apply resistance as the door is about to close. Some guys will say this is wrong and I should be testing with a 2x4 since that’s the manufacturers recommended method, but I don’t like to make people angry by bending up their doors. It shouldn’t take much resistance to reverse the door.
Just FYI, you shouldn’t be fixing, normally there is a screw in the unit that adjusts the reverse resistance. Normally it’s an easy thing to adjust.
I agree with the above. I use my hand and pull up slightly on the bottom of the door as it’s closing. Should only take a couple pounds of pressure for it to reverse. If it doesn’t reverse with a little tug, I write it up as a safety defect. I will also mention to the buyer/homeowner how to adjust it and usually give them a link to the owners manual, but I tell them that I can’t fix it due to liability reasons.
Why would you ever tell anybody how to fix anything. Suppose they adjust it wrong and someone or an animal gets injured or killed. Guess who they are going to blame. Always recommend that a licensed or qualifed contractor make the repair. Insead of deferring liabiillity, you just put it squarely on your shoulders.
You are correct.
I don’t show them how or tell them exactly how. I tell them it’s a simple adjustment and refer them to their owners manual, which I provide a link to. I do also state in my report that I recommend seeking a licensed contractor. I’m with ya on deferring liability.
When they think of you as the professional they will take your advise. If it wrong and leads to harm, it will always be someone elses fault other than theirs. I, too, am inspecting for buyers and sellers. Part of our requrement is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our client. That includes making the proper recommendation. If they want to fix it themselves after that to save a few bucks, so be it. But if it fails, they cannot come back to me.
Not sure about Canada, but if someone down here thinks they can sue and make a dollar on it, they are all over it. So, you report your way, and I will continue to report my way.
I use my shoulder or hand approx 15 or less Make sure you check the door’s top panel for previous damage any cracks do not do it , note it . I always refer to a qualified contractor . I do not care who fixes it I protect my self . BTW up should be checked also most do not do that one.