Ran into a gas water heater in a small bathroom today. It was not a direct vent type water heater, and no fresh air supply vents installed to the bathroom. I’m pretty sure this would not meet gas fuel code requirements for appliance locations but wanted to verify. Anybody know for sure?
Water heaters shall not be installed in a bathroom, powder room,
bedroom, or occupied room normally kept closed unless it is of
direct vent design.
Water heaters may be installed in utility rooms located in a
bathroom, powder room, bedroom, or occupied room normally
kept closed provided that:
- The utility room has a weather-stripped, self-closing, solid door.
- All air for combustion and dilution is obtained from the
outdoors. (See Figure 10 on Page 22 and Figure 11 on
Page 23.)
Note: When a water heater is installed in a utility room located in
a bathroom, powder room, bedroom or occupied room normally
kept closed with other gas appliances, all air for combustion
and dilution shall be obtained from the outdoors, unless the water
heater is of direct vent design.
Thanks Bob. Peoples Gas course eh?
Depends on when it was installed. But it is a safety hazard/concern based on current standards …
You must have missed that meeting.
Contact me if you want the PDF.
I think this one area where we stay local.
Good question Great answers has help me and others … Thanks … Roy
Many old mobile homes have the water heater located inside a base cabinet in a bathroom. Things change but dont’ be surprised when you find items as odds with current standards and common sense.
Are you really surprised by anything in a trailer park???
lol…no Bob, I am not. Seems like sometimes they go out of their way to make things more difficult or dangerous.