Georgia inspectors reminder... two upcoming NACHI meetings

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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Dear Georgia Home Inspector:


The next meeting of the Atlanta Chapter of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI), Tuesday, June 21st, 2005 at 6 pm. The meeting is open to all. You don?t need to be a member to attend.

Piccadilly Cafeteria (behind the Target store)
2000 Crescent Center Blvd.
Tucker, GA 30084

This is located off Exit 37 of I-285, proceed East on Lavista Road (GA-236) to Northlake Parkway, go South on Northlake Pkwy to Crescent Center Blvd., go West on Crescent Center Blvd to the cafeteria.


Jim Brown
NACHI member
International Code Council member
25 year veteran home inspector
Former Chief Inspector for the City of Snellville in Gwinnett County
Owner, Final Word Home Inspection Services, Inc.

The Atlanta Chapter of NACHI meets the third Tuesday of every month.

Also?for those of you in the Southern part of Georgia?just a reminder about the Northeast Florida Chapter of NACHI meeting in Jacksonville on June 22nd:

I'll be the speaker and will be discussing:

? Marketing your home inspection service directly to home buyers.
? Raising your prices when your competition in Florida and Georgia charges less.
? Converting every call into a scheduled inspection.
? Tips for tweaking your website so that it sells.

Thanks for your attention and I hope to see you there!

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.