GFCI outlets and dishwashers

While I was doing the plumbing course I read that all dishwashers need to be plug into a GFCI outlet, is that true for all areas or just certain state codes? Or is it dependent on where the plug is located?
The reason for the question is we currently live in military housing and upon inspection under our kitchen sink I noticed that the dishwasher is plug into a regular outlet under the sink almost directly under the main water pipe. I also noticed that the water hose for the dishwasher was on the bottom of the cabinet instead of up and over like the course stated, should I bring this up with housing maintenance along with the potential safety issue of the dishwasher not plug into a GFCI outlet?

This may help you here;

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Thank you Marcel.

I tried that email and it doesn’t work. I got an email back tell me it was undeliverable.

I called it out as a deficiency if it’s an industry standard at the time of construction. However, I do recommend that the entire home be upgraded to contemporary GFCI standards.

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I agree with Charles, we as home inspectors need to be aware of the code at time of construction or remodel. Unless the receptacle was installed during a code cycle that required it, then it would hi fine as is. Now if the receptacle gets replaced, then it needs to be GFCI protected, but if the dishwasher is replaced the receptacle would not need to be upgraded.

I would note it as not protected by a GFCI, but would not require it to be updated to current code.

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Thank you all.

The receptacle could also be downstream of a GFCI, therefore it would be protected…it could also be on a GFCI breaker.

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