Ghosting, right?

I’ve never encountered ghosting before and have primarily read instances about it following the pattern of the joists. I came across this house today with what I think was ghosting and it showed on the nails but also looked to outline things that were hanging on the walls. Do y’all just call it out as ghosting and move on since it can be caused by a number of things?

In this case it looks more like the burning of wood or candles, Is there a fire place in the room?

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Looks a lot like my grandparents home did when we cleaned it up after their deaths. After 30 years of living in the house and each going through two packs of lungdarts per day, the walls and ceiling were nasty.

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If it were lung darts it would be yellow and tacky,

Dust and dirt stick to it.

Sorry, it don’t look like lung dart smoke in the pic.

Didn’t smell like cigarettes in the room but there was a fireplace. It was sealed but if the other side of the duplex was any indication then it definitely wasn’t vented properly.

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Well there you go, wood smoke.

  • lack of standard chore of washing down walls (AKA Spring Cleaning) LOL

Some kind of particulate, probably from smoke or soot, but yes, ghosting.


That’s all you need to say about that.

Ghosting is not some kind of adverse paranormal event. It will happen in any building if the indoor air is nasty.

Your concern should be about the drafting of the fireplace… Just saying.

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