Good people naturally seek unity, now. Resist that urge

And remember, every dollar that she wanted to siphon out of the productive economy, she would have given to bureaucrats. Government doesn’t need any more of our money. And every one of those dollars that she would have taken from us and given to government, harms us all… harms your family members, your neighbors, and every other fellow American.

Resist the urge to sing Kumbaya. She isn’t the only one out there and we have a duty to each other to oppose them vigorously on every front.


Don’t you remember the last Trump presidency? You sir need help.

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You should learn your place, Canada with your gay leader. Your opinion is less than worthless in the states.


I do.
It wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be. This won’t be as bad as some think.
Which does bring me to a point. On my IG I see a whole bunch of people needing time and space to mentally adapt or some such nonsense.

To loosely quote Jarod Mayo, “The team is soft”…


1st priority stay alive…


I am a big fan of unity on my terms.

I generally try to avoid these discussions, but you tweaked my interest with that comment. The orange man was not my preference for president. But I suffer few delusions. Life was decidedly better when he was prez. Just off the top of my head:

  1. Low gas prices
  2. Booming economy
  3. Abaham accord
  4. No wars with anyone
  5. Less conflict in the world than the previous 100 years
  6. NATO allies finally paying their share of defense
  7. More offshore companies repatriated than domestic companies left
  8. Lower taxes
  9. Lower taxes
  10. I kept way more of my money
    I can list some negatives, but that list is mostly trivial crap connected with his obnoxious personality.

Unfortunately many believed his lies.
In October 2019, he announced the killing of Islamic State (IS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a military operation, but said he decided not to notify Democrat leaders in Congress beforehand.

In January 2020, President Trump ordered an airstrike which killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. The White House cited Congress’s “authorisation of military force” granted under the Bush administration as its legal basis.

I agree, that was an illegal act, and wrong. The general was way on the other side of the world where we have no business being.

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I remember a time when ISIS dominated our minds and hearts as they terrorized the world. I hate that we were involved. But I thank Trump for ending it, hopefully once and for all.


I have no problem with that. They are supporters of terrorism around the world and need to know just how far we can reach. Watch closely, there will be less overt action on the part of Iran now that Trump has been elected.


Robert, you really should credit your sources when you copy and paste. I found this exact statement (note the spelling of authorization). As a PSA, you can read the entire article here.

In October 2019, he announced the killing of Islamic State (IS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a military operation, but said he decided not to notify Democrat leaders in Congress beforehand.

In January 2020, President Trump ordered an airstrike which killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. The White House cited Congress’s “authorisation of military force” granted under the Bush administration as its legal basis.


Is Robert an actual CMI (Certified Master Inspector), and not simply a Canadian CMI?
If so, he should be expelled and banned from the ORG as he would be in violation of their ETHICS Rules! He has, and has for a very long time, been guilty of Plagiarsim on multiple counts. He has been warned constantly, but he continues his violations!


No surprise.

Well, in comparison to us, we can’t complain about them. We attacked the wrong two countries after 911, murdered 85,000 civilians, then refused to leave for 20 years. That’s way worse than supposedly sponsoring terrorism… that’s actual terrorism on a grand scale. We must never forget that not a single 911 hijacker, trainer, mastermind or financier was Afghan or Iraqi. Not one.

Also, let’s not forget that the U.S. helped Saddam Hussein acquire internationally-illegal chemical weapons of mass destruction and encouraged him to use them on Iranian women and children… which he then did. It’s not like we’re the good guys and they’re the bad guys. Probably the reverse is closer to the truth.

Iran would have to do a lot of bad in this world for centuries before we would have the right to whine about them.

Instead we should emulate them. They haven’t attacked another sovereign nation in something like 400 years.

A lot of our evil stems from having a military industrial complex that feeds off of war. Even our own military really isn’t part of the U.S. Yes, half our troops are honorably on defense and we need and love them. The other half works for bankers and international military suppliers. You can decipher who is who (roughly) by looking at what is stuck between the treads of their boots. If it’s our dirt, they are the former. If it is foreign sand, they are the latter.

US Announces Charges In Alleged Iranian Plot To Assassinate Trump

I fully agree with trying to unify the country. It is time to put all the bullshit aside and move on. HOWEVER unity does not mean we should not work to hold those responsible for working to destroy this country the way they have.

If there are no consequences for the actions of those destroying this country then the bullshit will never end and just continue on indefinitely! It’s already starting with the disgraceful Cackling Horizontal Harris concession speech as well as all the Blue State Governors and other Loony Lefters in power starting the resistance to the new DJT administration before he is ever sworn in.

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Odd. I wonder why. Hmm. What could it possibly be? I mean, it’s not like our democrat leadership wouldn’t keep their mouth’s shut. Of course they want Trump to have a decisive victory against a terrorist dirt bag. Right?


This is a “tit for tat” argument. Two wrongs don’t make a right! Next we will hear how there were no weapons of “mass destruction.” In fact there were and Saddam used them on his own people. Chemical weapon use was banned by the Geneva Protocol of 1925.

Which pales in comparison to British colonialism around the world. This very argument and its offshoot “appeasement” created WWII.

They attacked Israel on October of this year! Their proxies of Hamas and Hezbollah and Houthi have been attacking Israel for years. All unrest in the Middle East can be directly linked to Iran.

There are exactly 2 foreign policies related to peace. The first is appeasement which history has proven to not work. It was tried with the treaty of Versailles after WWI and directly contributed to WWII.

The second is deterrence which has proven to work against the proliferation of war both here and abroad.

Consider the Ukraine war was only possible through the Biden administrations weak foreign policy. Compare that to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian

Evil is part and parcel to human nature irrespective of national origin. It is appeased by the common misconception of atheism that we are alone in the world. It is only deterred by the belief in a Higher Power.

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