Google Play Internachi Training Cards

I got a new phone and went to add the training cards app I had on my old android phone, but couldn’t find it in the Google Play store. Have they been discontinued or renamed? I thought it was a pretty helpful resource you could plug away at when you had time. Great prep item.

I can see it for the apple App Store when searing “nachi flash cards” 3rd item down. Not sure on google play.

@dmorris10 @kmoll Does this still exist? I am looking for it and can’t find it. I have an iPhone. Thanks,

Yes, it still exists. I just put it on my iPhone. I got it from the app store, but I just tried it, and it is not working. Maybe they are reworking it? It was working up until now.

Its still in the Google Play store.

If you had the app installed on your phone, I believe it may still work. But it is not in my google store as I just checked. When I had spoken to Internachi support about it previously, they had said to use the online training aids on their website. Which is a shame as I found the flashcards on the phone very helpful when I was studying for my test a few years ago. The apple version is still available as I understand it.

Try Quizlet

New training app for home inspectors