Great new feature!

Originally Posted By: Webmaster
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I’d like to point out a great new feature in this version of our message boards. On the index page, in the upper right, there’s a tiny like saying “View unanswered posts.” If you click this link, you’ll get a list of all topics that have had no replies. These are normally questions that have yet to be answered. It’s an easy way to see if there’s anything you can help your fellow inspectors with, without having to go through all the topics one-by-one.

Hope you like it,


Chris Morrell
Director of Information Technology


Originally Posted By: jmyers
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Hello Chris,

I like the new feature. Although I did have to look for a while to find it. Yes, I know you told me where it was. I was just looking futher up! ![icon_razz.gif](upload://rytL63tLPMQHkufGmMVcuHnsuWJ.gif)

Joe Myers