Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Who is the expert on these. I am doing a house tomorrow morning that has 4 pump (200’ deep) pumps on a closed loop system. Does anyone have a good source for information? I am going to call the local guy and ask him how much he charges to look at it, so if I have any concerns, I will just call him in.
Originally Posted By: rsummers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have been involved in the installation of 4 Geothermal heat pump systems. 2 pond loops and 2 ground loops. Inspecting these systems would really be no different than inspecting any other Heat pump minus the compressor. Considering the loop is buried all you can see is the main supply and return. I would check the pumping station and look for signs of leaks, Check for filters Ect. I was really excited when I went to school to design the Heat Exchangers and size the pumps but the Installation costs are so high that there hard to sell. If you want Information check out this site http://www.waterfurnace.com.
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Rolland, thank you very much for the link. I figured that there was not much different to look at short of the TD. Do you know what TD I should be receiving, the std 14-22?
Originally Posted By: rsummers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That’s correct they don’t function any different just use the Earth and a fluid to transfer heat. They are very efficient compared to air-source units and a lot less maintenance with out the out door coil to freeze or get plugged up.