I am looking at a 200 amp breaker box that has bare copper wires running across and making contact with the neutral bus. Is this OK and why?
Show us the pics!
Attached the pic. I understand the copper wires are ground wires, just didn’t think it was OK for them to be laid across the neutral bus
IMO, that single ground is not touching the bus bar. It is close, but I think it is seperated by the plastic insulator. Remember, there are no circuits attached to that bar.
Even if it is touching, honestly, it’s a way lesser concern than the triple-lugged neutrals on the other bar!!
Thank you Jeffrey. Going back and looking at this pic I realize that I don’t see/understand how the 2 neutral busses are connected to the main neutral cable that goes back out of the service entrance.
Restated my post.
By the metal tie bar at the top of your two yellow ovals.
Jeffrey has it, but If they ARE touching the neutral bus, that would be a defect, but an easy fix. I would make a comment about it regardless, so that when the electrician fixes the neutral triple taps, he can make sure the grounds are moved over a little.
This is a subpanel, so the neutrals and grounds need to be separated. Otherwise the neutral current could travel on the grounding conductors throughout the home.
And as christopher said, the neutral bus bars are connected to each other with that horizontal tie ( all one piece)
The way those smaller cables enter the panel is wrong.
Thank you for responding. I’m a new inspector and still have a lot to learn. One more question. Why do you say this is a subpanel?
I see it as the service entrance panel of the home.
There is no Main Disconnect, which you are required to (attempt) locate and identify.
OK, yes I understand. The main breaker is on the outside near the meter. Thank you!
Yes, the first point of disconnect is the only place you should see neutrals and grounds bonded. Everything after that should be separated
To much going on in this for a sub panel, I would recommend Cert. contractor and call it a day.