Originally Posted By: Diana Reese This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello! Perhaps someone hear can kindly answer my questions. If gutters are so critical to keeping water away from the foundation, why do most Florida homeowners not use them? Is it because Florida homes are more likely to be built on sandy soil? Does sandy soil create a more stable foundation vs. expansive soil?
I am installing gutters on my home and have overall good grading on the property, with the exception of the SE and NE sides where the patio jets out and the slope is neutral. I believe my home has experienced some differential settlement, but I can't help but wonder if other homes in my area have experienced the same. And if not, why?
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Diana,
Firstly gutter are not a requirement, but in areas of relatively high rainfall they will certainly help keep water away from the foundation. In some areas with expansive soils types local jurisdictions require that the down spout terminations are mote that 5 fett away from the foundations if discharging to daylight.
Originally Posted By: Diana Reese This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks Gerry! I am in the process of researching exactly what kind of soil my home rests on with its slab-on-grade foundation. If it’s sandy, and sandy soil does not shrink/expand like clay, then I am somewhat perplexed by the recent movement I have seen. Although, I do believe that sandy soil could be detrimentally impacted by the huge rainfalls my area experienced last summer. A normal year is about 30" vs the 56" from 2004! And with no gutters, well, you can imagine.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Diana,
whenever I hear of foundation movement in Florida I think sink holes, maybe you may want to think about bringing in an Professional Engineer to evaluate what is causing the problems.
If I were inspecting your property and saw signs of differential settlement that would be my recommendation.