Header replacement

I did an inspection on a home and the garage has a header that is sagging and should be replaced. The seller plans to replace the header with a new header. The buyer claims that the only fix is to have the seller install new girder truss with valley and gables to make it work.

I am getting calls from both the seller and buyer and my suggestion is call a structural engineer. I do not have the answer and would like some input I feel that the buyer is asking for more than needs to be expected from the seller. I am surprised the seller has not just cancelled the transaction.

You cant size the lumber for the span. only an engineer or architect can. If the seller would have done that before this came up, then he could have done anything he wanted to. how much do you think it sags if you ran a string from one side to the other?

LeRoy, this is just my opinion but I would just note your finding (the sagging header) take a few “Good” pictures and then recommend further evaluation by a licensed contractor or engineer and move on as you have done all you need to as the Home Inspector. There is no need for you to get to technically exhaustive as that just opens up unnecessary cans of worms for you. :cool:

This wood be an easy fix for me, but I agree as said, note the problem and defer to a qualified Contractor to repair.
Let the client negotiate with the seller on the monetary values. :slight_smile:

Marcel, that would be a sweet little job wouldn’t it.
What do you think, double 9’’ LVLs ?

Wrong! The IRC has span tables that can be applied by a builder without the need of an architect or engineer as long as the dwelling is one-or-two family and under 3 stories.

That would be more than adequate Pete for the roof load on what appears to be 8’ doors.

And what is that other beam under the trusses?:slight_smile:

Joe is right, you can order what you need directly from the lumber yard.
Tell them the span and voila, they will order what you need for the roof or floor loads.

LVL beam charts and lumber beam charts are also readily available to all contractors that can read them. :):smiley:

Almost looks like it was originally framed for larger doors??

Pete, look where that beam is. It is above that sloppy hanger closer set up. I brightened up the picture a bit.

Doubled up vertically and roof trusses above, so don’t know why it is there. doesn’t make any sense. They should have used that for the door header. :mrgreen::wink:

Nice job guys thanks for the input,

I see it now, I don’t know what they were thinking. Awful tall ceilings in that garage too.

LeRoy, can you shed some light on that beam on what it’s purpose was?

And Happy New Year to you also. :slight_smile:

The beam is to support the roof on the front of the garage and whne it gets full of snow it sags

But I can see that those are roof trusses above. Trusses don’t sag, they fail.
Any other explaination? Curious as hell. :slight_smile:

LeRoy, do have an exterior photo?