Healthy Homes 3: Housing Regulations Course

Research & Writing Assignment:

Asphalt Shingle Nailing Diagram

The diagram shows the correct method (as well as incorrect methods) of fastening an asphalt shingle to a roof. Roofing nails with a 3/8-inch fastener head should be driven until flush with the shingle, not over-driven or under-driven.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

I often times refer to building and housing codes as a tool during the home inspection. An understanding of building and housing codes takes out a lot of the guess work pertaining to particular items contained in the inspection process.

Research & Writing Assignment:

The inspector needs to know zoning ordinances to give a complete and detailed inspection report. The inspector can pass on his knowledge on zoning ordinances to the clients so they can have a better understanding of it’s purpose, it’s intent, and how to go about dealing with permits and such in the future, if the intend to build on and expand.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

As home inspectors we are not to quote Building code because we are not Building Code Inspectors. Although for use to preform our inspections and ensure that the homes we inspect for our clients are safe for them and there family’s, We most be familiar with building codes and safe building standards and practices. The International Code Council develops the comprehensive coordinated model of construction codes that can be used throughout the United States and a round the world. Each state and county with in the state use the ICC as written or a revised version of the ICC for there building standards. Ohio building code 4101:8-24-1 Section 2420 Gas Shut Off Valves 2420.2 Meter valve. Every meter shall be equipped with a shutoff valve located on the supply side of the meter.

Research & Writing Assignment:

If a state or county with in the state is going to revise a code set forth by the ICC to better serve the community that the code will be implemented as a building standard, It must maintain 5 feature of a housing code 1. Definitions of terms used in the code. 2. Administrative provisions showing who is authorized to administer the code and the basic methods and procedures that must be followed in implementing and enforcing the sections of the code. 3.Substantive provisions specifying the various types of health, building, electrical, heating, plumbing, maintenance, occupancy, and use conditions that constitute violations of the housing code. 4. Court and penalty sections outlining the basis for court action and the penalty or penalties to which the alleged violator will be subjected if proved guilty of violating one or more provisions of the code. 5. Enabling, conflict, and unconstitutionality clauses providing the date a new or amended code will take effect, prevalence of more stringent provision when there is a conflict of two codes, sever-ability of any part of the ordinance that might be found unconstitutional, and retention of all other parts in full course and effect.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Zoning laws are designed to protect citizens safety, health and welfare. Some fines are low while others can be astronomical if found in violation. Inspectors can help clients understand zoning laws as long as the stress the advice is beyond the scope of a home inspection.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a photo of my property line. It goes from this pole to one at the end of my driveway, which you can see by zooming in on the photo. I live in a mobile home park where every tenant has half an acre of land.