
Hello Team of fellow Home Inspectors !
My name is Jamie Patrash and I have just started the online Home Inspector course. I am brand new to this industry, I’ve been in Sales and Sales Training for the past 15 years and wanted to start getting sweaty and PAID, so here I am ready to be a student and a sponge to those of you that could help me while I’m getting Certified. My first question is what is the best strategy to go thru this course, it seems to not guide you step by step.

Thank you

If you are talking about the InterNachi courses.

You need to complete the required courses first.
Then I would start with any basic inspection courses.
Courses that you feel you need a better understanding on, areas you feel you are weak in.

Your Online inspector exam can help identify the weak points.

John’s answer is correct.

I just finished some of the required courses and completed the final exam. John is 100% correct though what I now know, I would have followed this way because of how my brain works, the difficulty of each course, and the way the course material flows.

Code of Ethics for Home Inspectors
Introduction to InterNACHI’s Standards of Practice
Safe Practices for the Home Inspector
How to Perform Roof Inspections
How to Perform Residential Electrical Inspections
How to Inspect Fireplaces, Stoves, and Chimneys
How to Perform Deck Inspections
25 Standards Every Inspector Should Know
Residential Plumbing Overview
How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion

How to Inspect HVAC Systems

Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior*
How to Inspect the Exterior**

  • In the process of taking the courses.

If you want, take the optional course along side the required course. For example, while taking the required roof course I also did the optional roof course. Also, downloading and installing a home inspection report software that will give you a 30 day trial is a good idea. At times, you will need to fill out a report during a course. Internachi provides a document for reporting but I realized later why not just learn the software from the get go.

Also, look to the internet and this forum if you want a more in depth look regarding a subject and or item. I googled and searched this forum on the subject of electrical a lot. It’s one of the many things that can kill me and or my client(s) during a home inspection.

Overall don’t rush through this, take your time through the courses, and get it right. Just like a home inspection. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the long rant. I just had my morning coffee. \:D/