Help needed for translating technical terms!

Hello everyone,

I am currently translating the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Residential Properties.

This document is long and has a lot of technical terms that I’m having a hard time translating.

I’m therefore asking for your help. This is only the first half of the document, so I may ask for more help later!

Some words are translated but I’m not 100% sure if the translation is correct (the first part of the document), and I haven’t been able to translate some words at all (last part of the document).

Your help will be very appreciated! Thank you!


For those of us in the U.S. that don’t pay attention to what thread section we are in… Alysse needs help with the **English to French (Canadian) **translation. :wink:

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A Glossary of Housing Terms will help and is available online at:


Thanks for your help, that book seems very good.

However, it will take a little while to get it if I order it online.

Would it be possible to check the document I sent and give me a quick feedback.

You will find the text in english first and next to it I wrote the french translation. If anyone could check it out and let me know if the translations seem correct it would really help me out a lot!

Thank you once again!

it’s free.

English to French translation

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis en train de traduire les normes internationales de pratique pour l’inspection des propriétés résidentielles.

Ce document est long et a beaucoup de termes techniques que je vais avoir du mal à traduire.

Je demande donc votre aide. Ce n’est que la première moitié du document, afin que je puisse demander plus d’aide plus tard!

Certains mots sont traduits, mais je ne suis pas sûr à 100% si la traduction est correcte (la première partie du document), et je n’ai pas été capable de traduire certains mots à tous (la dernière partie du document).

Votre aide sera très appréciée! Merci!


Alysse, how accurate is above translation to original post?

I was thinking more of the document attached to my original post that has the technical terms.

I just need a general feedback, as I am not sure that the translations are correct. I have been using the “Grand dictionnaire terminologique du Quebec” and various online dictionnaries.

Thanks again

These terms are specific to home inspections and although I am both French and American, I am not familiar with these terms in French!

The document I am currently translating is the International Standards of Practice. Once I am done translating it, the office in Boulder will be posting it on the InterNACHI web site. This is why I would like it to be properly translated, as your clients may be checking it out.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes in the attached document.


From:English - detected▼To:French▼

English to French translation

analyse des flux d’énergie
les évents, des solins, des lanterneaux
tuyaux de descente souterraine inverseur de drainage
le parement, les solins et les garnitures
rampes, gouttières, soffites et bordures de toit
balustres intermédiaires, broches, ou des rails pour les marches, les escaliers, balcons et garde-corps …


I thought it might make it easier if I post the list of words directly on the message board:

· analysis of energy flows = analyse du flux énergétique ?
· the vents, flashings, skylights = les évents, bandes d’astragales/de recouvrement, lanterneaux ?
· underground downspout diverter drainage pipes = fossé d’évacuation des tuyaux de descente d’eaux fluviales souterrains ?
· the siding, flashing and trim = le parement, la bande d’astragale/de recouvrement et l’habillage ?
· railings, eaves, soffits and fascias = garde-corps, avant-toits, sous-faces et corniches ?
· intermediate balusters, spindles, or rails for steps, stairways, balconies and railings = balustres, colonnes, ou rampes de marches, escaliers, balcons et garde-corps intermédiaires ?
· surface drainage = l’écoulement des eaux ?
· retaining walls = murs de soutènement ?
· exterior wall covering = revêtement mural extérieur ?
· screens, storm windows, shutters, awnings, fences, outbuildings, or exterior accent lighting = grillages, contre-fenêtres, volets, marquises, clôtures, dépendances, ou l’éclairage d’accentuation extérieur ?
· erosion control and earth stabilization measures = mesures de lutte contre l’érosion et de stabilisation du sol ?
· septic systems or cesspools = fosses septiques ou fosses d’aisance ?
· drain fields or drywells = lits filtrants ou puits secs ?
· crawlspace = vide sanitaire ?
· under-floor access openings = ouvertures d’entrée du plancher ?
· sheetrock cracks, brick cracks, out-of-square door frames, or floor slopes = fêlures dans les plaques de plâtre, fêlures dans les briques, encadrement des portes en faux équerre, ou des pentes de sol ?
· stored items or debris = des éléments rangés ou des débris ?
· sump pumps = pompes de puisard/vidange ?
· bolting, bracing, joists = boulonnage, du contreventement, des solives ?
· flues = conduits ?
· fire chambers, heat exchangers, combustion air systems, fresh air intakes, humidifiers, dehumidifiers = des chauffes, des échangeurs de chaleur, des dispositifs de combustion d’air, des prises d’air frais, des humidificateurs, des déshumidificateurs ?
· concealed fuel supply systems = systèmes d’alimentation en combustion cachés ?
· heat pump systems = les systèmes de pompe à chaleur ?

I beg your pardon.


I will comment when time permits.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

In the meantime, you can download the Glossary from link below:



See attached for my comments.

Please keep in mind that I am not a professional translator and that mistakes are most likely present.
