Looks cool!
One thing after another is coming together for InterNACHI in Canada.
Too bad they only serve a few states…
Keep it coming, Nick! You’re doing a great job. Where possible, you should include Canada in all the discounts and promotions you put together.
Looks Great!
It seems that since last February Canadian membership has increased and things are just getting better and better for our Canadian brothers.
Be careful of whom you partner with!!! See the following about the big splash Mr. Holmes was supposed to make with HD that has fizzled to zip…zero…nada.
October 2005 - Strategy Magazine
Who to watch
Getting Mike Holmes’ stamp of approval would be a huge coup for any contractor. Landing him as a spokesperson for a roster of over 3,000 contractors is nothing short of brilliant. Home Depot’s director of marketing Pat Wilkinson has managed to do just that.
Beginning this fall, the trustworthy star of HGTV’s Holmes on Homes will be featured in Home Depot’s campaign to raise awareness about its Installation Services team. The campaign was Wilkinson’s brainchild and leverages Holmes’ reputation perfectly. The resulting campaign includes TV spots featuring Holmes talking about the importance of hiring proper contractors - like the licensed members of the Home Depot team.
I just talked to a group of College students that are taking Home Inspection related courses and at least four will be joining NACHI…WOW!!!
PS. Now that Dickwand is no longer a member of NACHI we should see an increase in membership at least here in Ontario!
The Vice President of Guardian (N. America’s largest security company) is speaking in Toronto at our meeting about this project’s expansion into Canada. Be there August 14th! See bottom of speaker list in www.nachi.org/toronto2008.htm
From their website:
“Guardian Protection Services is the world’s largest privately held security company”
SO…how big are they really and when will they be serving Canada???
***Market Areas:
Central Indiana
New Jersey
Western New York ** **North Carolina
Western and Eastern Pennsylvania
Northern Virginia
Washington, D.C.
West Virginia Panhandle *
So compared to Chubb, ADT, Brinks, et al, seems like a teeny company going against the big guys!!! Those plus Voxcom, Safetech have Canada pretty well tied up!!
Canada…some time after many of us are retired!!
Brian, it isn’t spin… they actually already do more volume $ than ADT and Brinks. They are expanding across all of N. America with help from NACHI.TV, Home Depot, Lowes, and InterNACHI. None of the companies you mentioned offer such deals for clients of inspectors.
Great News!
Remind them that they can learn a great deal at the NACHI Chapter meetings that will above and beyond the “Basic” college courses.
Each one of ours is devoted to continuing eduction and we usually have 36-plus hours per year.
Your statement is self explanatory and easy to comprehend.
I guess that “some people” either cannot read, or cannot comprehend what they have read or… just love to make pests of themselves.
Why else would the VP of a major corporation go to Canada unless he was planning on expanding into that country and wanted to explain / offer their services?
Jeez… :roll:
Like I said earlier… since last February our Canadian NACHI membership has increased and the programs and benefits are following suit.
I am happy for our Canadian brothers! [/size][/FONT]
Frank is right… you can’t “expand into Canada” if you are already there of course. Meet us all on the 14th in Toronto.
Some people have far too much time on their hands Frank!:shock:
Hey Pencil Dick Mario, Wand is here but not out! To big a job to keep your mouth shut?
That’s why I’ve been on here so much lately, Mario. Last 21 days…only 4 half days not out in the field.
Don’t believe everything everyone tells you!!! You then repeat it and makes you look bad!!!
Copied directly from company websites:
** Guardian currently protects *about 200,000 customers.
** Today, over 1,200,000 customers in 250 markets in the United States and Canada chose Brink’s Home Security as their trusted home security and alarm company to provide reliable home security systems.*
** By the mid-1990s, ADT reached a high-water mark in its history by adding more than 180,000 new customers to surpass the one-million-customer milestone.*
So little ole Guardian has more revenues with way fewer customers than the big guys in what essentially has become a commodity market. Very surprising!!! I must rush out and buy some of their stock since they obviously are able to charge much more than their competitors for this financial phenomenon to occur…NOT!!!
Don’t spin things. The truth doesn’t hurt…or does it???
Hi Rae:
Been awful quiet here lately!!! I’ve been extremely busy and have barely posted. Bunch of stuff I have to re-read and reply to…this weekend maybe.