My wife is a real estate agent and her client (was a client of a friend that moved) bought a home based on a home inspection performed by a home inspector with InterNACHI logos on his website. The inspector completely missed the toilet not bolted to the floor and when the client pointed out possible water damage in the downstairs closet he said he had checked it and everything was fine. However, after moving in she discovered the toilet issue and even more damage from water etc. When I am using the inspector seek site his name/business is not coming up. Does that mean he is not in good standing with InterNACHI?
There is, of course, the possibility of error (name spelling or such), but yes, if they are not listed they are not a current member, and those logos should be removed.
There is also the possibility the inspector has never been an InterNachi member, and ‘stole’ the logos off the internet in an attempt to look legit. Your wifes client should contact the inspector and give him the opportunity to explain himself and to make things right.
Did your wife recommend this inspector? How was the inspector found?
Regardless, if it were me I really could care less what organization he belongs to. What I would be more concerned about is my inspector missing a toilet that wasn’t bolted to the floor, accompanied by moisture damage below. I would sincerely wonder what else was missed and/or what was present, but told to the client that “everything was fine”.