Originally Posted By: Dave Gagneur This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am currently in the military and am looking at HI as a soon to be career move. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with either of these schools:
Originally Posted By: jdoherty This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I tried the PHII course - not too impressed. The material presented was very basic and once or twice contradictory. Additionally, there were a number of misspellings and grammatical errors in the presentation of the material - just a pet peeve but I feel it is any professional’s responsibility to perform professionally. Another irritant was the videos - they started and stopped abruptly, sometimes mid-sentence, and the house(s) used in the video appeared to be just ones some inspector happened to be wondering through. I would have preferred a “model” house that was specifically set up for the video, with good examples of the material. Also, a professional cameraman would have helped immensely. Lastly, none of the upload features worked on my version (test results, etc).
That said, the course is very inexpensive - I guess you get what you pay for- and it gives a good grounding if you're starting from scratch. They do offer a 30-day money back guarantee so it doesn't hurt to try it; just don't order it until you're ready to get started right away so you don't waste any days.