It’s a huge move forward for the professionalizing the home inspector in Canada. It also provides much deserved recognition to the nay sayers about the National Certification Program.
The NCP provides the impetus and commonality that some were not readily willing to recognize. This certainly helps validate its importance in providing a fair and open window of opportunity for all Canadian home inspectors willing to give it a try!
Respectfully, it is not only CAHPI/NC that was recognized but ASTTBC requirements were also recognized. As I recall ASTTBC (BCIPI) have much more stringent requirements.
None the less I congratulate you and your efforts for ensuring CAHPI and the National where recognized as qualify bodies.
What is interesting is that the only way an inspector can become licensed if they don’t want to belong to CAHPI or BCIPI is to apply for their National Certification.
So, only three certifications will be recognized:
Since there are likely at least 500 non-aligned inspectors in BC right now, the applications for the NCH should start flying in.
Those in other provinces, especially Ontario, could beat the rush by signing up now either on your own or through an organization like PHPIO.
Did I see a provision somewhere in the documents which implied that those not aligned who felt they could meet licencing requirements could apply to the licencing board for review?
I agree ASTTBC must also be noted and are part of the recognized group.
On another note the National Certification Program will also be looking at raising the certification criteria once again at this year end. But the most important point is as Bill noted non-aligned inspectors will certainly a very few options.
Q. Is there a way to get licensed without being a member of one of the specified associations or authorities?
A. Yes. For a short transition period, up to March 31, 2009, home inspectors currently working can apply to the BPCPA to have their experience, knowledge and ability assessed, and a licence may be issued. There is a $250 fee for this assessment. At the end of two years, you will be expected to meet the requirements of an acceptable professional home inspector association or authority
Licensing information and application forms will be posted on the BPCPA website on Feb. 27, after which the authority will begin accepting applications. The application forms will set out what is required for a license, such as insurance and affiliation with professional organizations.
To become licensed, home inspectors will need to meet the qualifications of either the Canadian Association of Home & Property Inspectors – BC branch; the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia; or the National Certification Program for Home and Property Inspectors.
Here’s is how they explained it in the government Q & A. It seems the government guys didn’t buy into Nick’s spin…Bill M.
Q. Why are other associations or authorities such as NACHI not acceptable?
A. Government consultations determined that acceptable associations and authorities would be those that require a satisfactory level of learning and field training prior to providing home inspections to the public. They also have standards of practice, codes of ethics, insurance requirements and a process to help resolve disputes between their members and consumers.
Isn’t that interesting! I guess we can also now say without hesitation that the claimed numbers of Nachi members in BC is also erroneous othewise the overwhelming numbers of Nachi members would have been able to make a dent in the licencing scheme.
Sorry, James, but I believe that ship has already sailed. Nick had his chance when Claude and I invited him many times to have the NACHI requirements looked at in an Equivalency Assessment with the National Certification Program. He refused every time and now NACHI members have been left out in the cold.
The legislation has been passed and is law.
You now can either join CAHPI BC, BCIPI or apply for the National Certification.
There is an option to become licensed outside these three groups, but the verification process will be tough. Since the NACHI requirements have already been rejected by the government, you and other NACHI members could have a tough time.
I had mentioned that, and if James has more credentials than merely NACHI ones, he might have a chance. However, since the BC government finds the nACHI credentials insufficint, I can only wish him luck.