Removing the cover is not illegal - inspecting the inside is!
I’m allowed to inspect the inside - a home inspector is not.
I really don’t care if you understand Ohio law.
Ohio’s SOP was changed, at my request, to limit the electrical section to reflect the statute.
So you think that removing a dead front involves no risk to a person? Schneider Electric disagrees with you. As does OSHA, NFPA and countless other experts in the electrical field.
I can verify proper wire size, grounding, bonding, and much more - a home inspector can not.
Ohio has had a higher standard for almost 50 years. Want the law changed? Then lobby for it.
The home inspection is a “visual” inspection. Therefore, once the cover is removed, visually, any competent inspector can do all of the above.
As has been pointed out, the building code is a minimum. The SoP is a minimum.
If you end up in a court of law, none of that matters.
What does matter is “Standard of Care”.
What do others in your profession do.
Which leads us into risk, personal and property damage risk.
Many moons ago, an inspector on here said he would’t inspect an air handler that was located in a closet because, “an antique stroller” was in the way of the door. That was his justification for not inspecting something.
If one so desired, you could justify not inspecting everything as it is too dangerous and may cause personal injury or property damage of some sort.