Are their standards or codes concerning honeycombing and where would I find them?
What do you think of these pictures and what would you say about them?
Thanks in advance!!
Severe honeycombing should be checked by doing core testing. It is usually caused by to much aggregate in the concrete of not mixed properly. I’m not sure about the standards of code but I can almost guarentee it will not pass an MPA test. In our area a 25MPA is minimum for a slab. Call it out and move on. Severe Honeycombing was present at time of inspection. Recommend further evaluation by a licensed structual engineer.
I agree
it’s tx, no problemo
grade will be raised to cover most of that and the rest may or may not be parge coated, done deal
they’re not going to core unless litigation occurs
what is and what should be are many dif things
further info:
NEVER EVEN LOOKED WHERE HE WAS FROM so like I always say everything in Texas is bigger even the pea-size gravel. LOL
I wonder what your peas look like.
So this is a poor/pour
In my area it would be unacceptable but in Texas it’s no problem. Sorry Barry, just had to say it. Please no offence!!
We had to break up and discard 22 yards of concrete due to the honeycombing. It was not as bad as this but the engineer would not pass it. That was fun!!:(
“2009 IRC R402.2 Concrete. Concrete shall have a minimum specified
compressive strength of f ′ c , as shown in Table R402.2. Concrete
subject to moderate or severe weathering as indicated in Table
R301.2(1) shall be air entrained as specified in Table R402.2.
The maximum weight of fly ash, other pozzolans, silica fume,
slag or blended cements that is included in concrete mixtures for
garage floor slabs and for exterior porches, carport slabs and
steps that will be exposed to deicing chemicals shall not exceed
the percentages of the total weight of cementitious materials
specified in Section 4.2.3 ofACI 318.Materials used to produce
concrete and testing thereof shall comply with the applicable
standards listed in Chapter 3 of ACI 318 or ACI 332.”
I don’t see anything else to address the concrete used in foundations. I think often times those types of areas are patched for aesthetic reasons. I would recommend that at a minimum.
Yea Joe that’s the only reference I found. Thank you sir.