How to Perform Residential Electrical Inspections

This is a picture of a double tap in a distribution panel.


Leaning more about electricity!

I just noticed that I’m still listed as an Internachi “Student”. I’ve passed the required courses, the exam, and performed my 4 mock inspections… Is there something else I need to do to be a “Member”??

A picture of an electrical box with a 100amp main shutoff and poorly identified and misrepresented breakers.

A watertight or in-use, outlet cover allows the outside outlet to stay covered -the home owner is using a GFCI but not the correct exterior type with the cover

Wow. Image that.

Here is a photo of a functional GFCI receptacle in a residential bathroom.

Electrical outlets in the home were installed above electric baseboard heaters. This condition may allow electrical cords to come into contact with heating components. Electrical cords may be damaged by exposure to excessive heat. In addition to being a potential fire hazard, damaged electrical cords are a shock/electrocution hazard.

?? Switch turns an outside light on / off
It’s installed on the hinge side of the door. There is no overhead light in the living room. So one has to travel through the room to the opposite side to get to a light switch?? Is this ok?

Starting the exam.

Guess the answer!


Hi Everyone,

The photo shows a non-GFCI receptical in my bathroom. This double-wide trailer was built in 2002, one would think that it should have been a GFCI.

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From InterNACHI Inspection Forum

001.JPGInaccessable electrical panel.

Hi everyone !
This is an outside outlet the home b was prior to the GFCI code so the outlet needs to be updated to bring it up to current codes & it also needs a new cover and or for it to be recaulked around the cover to keep water out

Hi Ben,
I am currently a student taking your courses to become a home inspector. So far I really have enjoyed these courses. My main concern or question is on any and all final exams, I feel that you should be able to see all the results weither you pass or fail because how are you to know if for say you passed & once your out and certified as a home inspector, if you don’t know what you have wrong and more importantly I feel how and where you went wrong you will still be wrong out in the field, thus actually not doing a proper inspection for your customers, which is what keeps you hopefully in business. So personally, like on our quizes it shows your correct and incorect answers it would be nice to have the same on the final exams so I would (or anyone)would know where they are wrong so you can learn from your mistakes personally. I would love to hear back if this is even possible for this to even happen on the final exams
Thank you,
Randall Robinson

Boy, you’ve raised a great point. It’s my understanding. We can’t afford to make a mistake out in the field … There must be a irrefutable reason why that’s not already the case! But I mean look around. They thought of everything !

Good Morning,
Here is a picture of a GFCI in my kitchen.
Have a Nice Day

Main Breaker Panel

This service panel is not easily accessible and (cant see from this photo) but also missing 2 fasteners in the dead front.

Just finishing the course. A lot of good information. Posting my picture as required.

This photo shows conductors being spliced outside of the electrical box. Also, the box has no cover. This poses a potential shock and fire hazard. Recommendation would be to have this repaired by a licensed electrician.