Any way to decipher date from the SN? Nat. Gas unit in attic, house built 1993) The SN format does not fit any of those listed on the cheat sheets such as on the Building Int. Center website. (for Trane or American Standard)
If you have trouble reading the data plate (photo) SN is G03504353 it has a “MFRD. 01/92” (see pic)[ATTACH] seams like I have ran into this a couple of times can’t really use SN to determine date on a few of these.
Why would you 2nd guess the manufacture date that’s right on the label? Trane serial number style #5 most closely matches the format, first letter is the year (G=1992), two numbers following are the week #, so 3rd week of 1992, which matches the stated manufacture date.
Well I think I figured this out G being 1992 and 03 being third week…I made this harder than I should have…
Agreed, it’s right there on the data label.
thanks guys I think I just got up to early or rather up to late…Also need a day off I think.