Regardless of which way you lean politically… it can’t be denied that the bigger spender of the two big spenders won last night. The U.S. has no option but to continue to default on its massive debts by printing.
The question now is what to do to hedge against the collapse of the dollar.
The first thing we inspectors should do is adopt a system where we raise our inspection fee structures regularly to keep up with the oncoming reduction in purchasing power of the U.S. dollar.
Raising inspections fees was a topic at a local ASHI meeting. Everyone agrees that our fees are to low, but it seems most inspectors won’t hold their ground and give up a inspection. If we all hold to what we believe we are truly worth then maybe the consumer will appreciate our value and pay up.
Please explain how it can be OK to to keep propping up a market that is in desperate need of correction?
The beauty of capitalism is that failure of the poorly managed companies clears the way for success of well managed companies and we all benefit.
By adopting to big to fail and allowing those who make bad decisions to be saved by taxpayers dollars only encourages more of the same and we all lose.
Seeing as how you have been predicting elections incorrectly the last 4 years you might do well to find a subject that does not make you foolish on a daily basis.
My predictions are far better than yours Nostradamus.
Predators prey on people like you who live in constant fear.