I don’t usually talk about my trades on this forum, but I bought a little last week when I saw how much Mr. Ehrlichman bought recently. It’s a purely speculative short term play. I don’t want to be in it for more than a few weeks at most.
The market cap of Porch is only $80 million. They have 4 times that in cash. Top line keeps growing.
Was helping my folks with some investments and they’re older and want very conservative/safe. I found them FDIC insured CDs for 5.7% which is pretty solid.
Always nice to log into my account and see an almost 2,000% gain in one day! Too bad it is for a company that is planning to file BK, lol.
I have traded in and out of this MN-based company many times over the last decade. Bought back in a few years ago when they got new leadership in place because I thought they could come back. But, unfortunately not! Oh well, this was just a little play money. Not retirement funds (thankfully!).
Did you buy and sell 50K shares? I would think your “Picking Play Money Slush Fund” was funded good? No?