and they will be making recommendations for us to add a some basic things to look for and point out when doing a commercial inspection. is the only commercial inspection Standards of Practice in the world as far as we can tell. (ASTM’s little scope of work permission form is not an SOP despite its false title).
6.5.11 Life-Safety. The inspector shall:[INDENT]A. Inspect the address or street number to determine that it is visible from the outside with numbers in contrast to their background.
B. Look for the existence of fire alarm systems.
C. Inspect for alarm panel accessibility.
D. Inspect for the existence of portable dry chemical extinguishers and their accessibility.
E. Inspect for the existence sprinkler systems.
F. Inspect for the existence of emergency lighting systems.
G. Inspect for exit signs at all exits and inspect for independent power sources such as batteries.
H. Inspect for the existence of directional signs where exit location is not obvious.
I. Inspect for the existence of signs over lockable exit doors stating “This Door Must Remain Unlocked During Business Hours.”
J. Inspect for penetrations in any walls or ceilings that separate the exit corridors and/or stairwells from the rest of the building.
K. Inspect for fire separation doors that appear to have been blocked or wedged open or that do not automatically close and latch.
L. Inspect exit stairwell handrails.
M. Inspect for exit trip hazards.
N. Inspect for the existence of at least two exits to outside.
O. Inspect to determine that the exit doors were not locked from the inside, chained, bolted, barred, latched or otherwise rendered unusable at the time of the inspection.
P. Inspect the storage at the time of the inspections to determine if it is potentially obstructing access to fire extinguishers, alarm panels, or electric panel boards, or if it is obstructing aisles, corridors, stairways or exit doors, or if it is within 18 inches of sprinkler heads or if it is within 3 feet of heat generating appliances or electrical panel boards at the time of the inspection.
II. The inspector is not required to:A. Test alarm systems or determine if alarms systems have been tested.
B. Inspect or test heat detectors or sprinkler systems.
C. Determine combustibility or flammability of materials or storage.
D. Determine the adequate number of fire extinguishers needed or their ratings.
E. Test or inspect fire extinguishers, their pressure, or for the existence of extinguisher inspection tags and/or tamper seals.
F. Inspect or test fire pumps or Fire Department connections.
G. Inspect or test cooking equipment suppression systems.
H. Determine the operational time of emergency lighting or exist signs.
I. Determine fire ratings of walls, ceilings, doors, etc.
J. Inspect, test, or determine the adequacy of fire escapes or ladders.
K. Inspect Fire Department lock boxes or keys.
L. Inspect fire hydrants or fire lanes.
M. Inspect parking and/or outdoor lighting.
N. Inspect for unauthorized entry and/or crime issues.
O. Inspect or test security systems.
P. Inspect for pet or livestock safety issues.
That is pretty close to the way I do my commercial inspections already. Every commercial building gets inspected every two years by the local fire department in my area. So I have always felt it was a good idea to let the buyer know about the future costs. I would hate to see somebody get killed and the owner be held liable.
One concern though, the older or smaller commercial buildings in my area are not required to have sprinklers, since it is in the SOPs due we mark on our report as N/A?
Will I need to get the newest fire codes in each town every time I perform a commercial inspection to determine if the building is suppose to have sprinklers are not?
No. 6.5.11.E just requires you to note whether they exist or not so that your client knows if he/she has sprinklers. You are never to determine if something is required or not.