I saw this online today,. 35.9% APR

That’s about the going rate in Bidens economy.


It’s called legal usury! I get it credit card companies, like all other businesses, are in it to make money. However the interest rates reflect poor management of their businesses, greed and the willingness to take advantage of consumers, and the Gubberment not stepping into an area of business where they should. Gubberments should stay out of business dealings until these types of situations occur.

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Sad thing is kids graduating from high school have no training in money management. My wife and I just look at each other and roll our eyes when 95% of the kids can’t calculate the correct amount of change unless the cash register does it for them. If you want to have some fun for example the next time you buy something for $18.35 they are expecting a $20 bill, so give them $10 plus $5, plus three ones and 82 cents and see what happens.


My drink was $2.27.
I gave the cashier $3 plus 2 pennies.
I was expecting to get 3 case quarters back in change.
Nope, I got 73 cents plus my 2 pennies back. SMH.


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So what BS are you trying to post that even Chrome won’t attempt to handle it…??

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Had the same issues in the “short video” thread. Probably something Chrome just plugged in. Has something to do with the byte size? :thinking:

I understand it Richard…“a dollar one”. LOL!

People need to upgrade their browsers unless they want to continue uninformed of valuable insights. :wink:

Or watch cat videos… :wink: :+1:

Pussy… … :wink:

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Have to say I have 0% APR on credit cards…because I haven’t had one for 15 years now. :shushing_face: :wink:

Chrome or the Poster??

When I searched it, it pretty much said that the file was larger than allowed for the browser format. I don’t know, and at this point, I’m too lazy to find a fix on what I may or may not have any interest in watching.

And at this point, I am too smart to F*CK around with BS posted on this MB that will surely never be of any interest or benefit to me!! My time and life is too valuable for all this BS!

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It’s not just numbers they struggle with… :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
download (1)


Do like I do, and just skip over them. Never woke up at night wondering what the hell they were and did I miss something.

I go one step further… I just IGNORE them. They aren’t worth my time to even “skip” over them. Unfortunately, they still get quoted, then I am forced to “skip”… to the loo!!

Richard Bleichrbleich


I had this happen to me 10 or 15 years ago, when I suggested basic math might be a good skill set for a cashier, she proclaimed “this is my summer job. I’m a math teacher”.
exactly this… except I think it was 3 pennies.

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