Identification of plumbing supply, drain, home irrigation system.

The water meter is next to the street see it in the foreground on the first picture.

There is a cover labeled Irrigation valve.

There is a fake rock with a valve also.

There are three covers encased in cement labled Lateral.

There is a second cover labeled Water Meter. (I took the picture intending to go back to my truck to get my key to open but forgot and am at home now)

My guess is that the cleanouts are next to the house and labeled "Lateral because they are in the driveway. The big water meter cover is the main shutoff. I do not know what the valve under the rock is. And believe the one labeled irrigation valve is the main irrigation shutoff valve. But I just want a second opinion.

Here is the single lateral in the left side front flowerbed.
Then the Irrigation valve.
Then I believe the cleanouts in the driveway and possible a main shutoff.
Then the mystery valve under the fake rock.
The water pressure is too high just thought I would add so it needs a pressure reducer.

See blue and italic above.

What municipality is this house in?

What year was it built?

Have you checked the municipalities building code amendments to determine if they required an exterior main house side shut-off?

Was the irrigation plan available to view which should list the specific locations for the irrigation components.

Never guess and always verify when the possibility is there to do so.

You are correct I dropped the ball on this one. Am changing my routine a bit to help avoid this in the future. Not making excuses but this guy was a talker. I got distracted and went to the garage, and followed my routine into the house. More questions and talking. Never got back to solving the mystery of the cleanouts. No shutoff in the garage, attached utility room, or elsewhere inside the home.

Thanks for the input. I will follow up with the client. This is only 15-20 min from my house.

What municipality is this house in?

Flower Mound, Normandy was the builder. Actually seems like a really solid home.

What year was it built?

2015, this was a warranty inspection.

Have you checked the municipalities building code amendments to determine if they required an exterior main house side shut-off?

Did not

Was the irrigation plan available to view which should list the specific locations for the irrigation components.

Not available.

Never guess and always verify when the possibility is there to do so.


You may have figured this out by now, but Flo Mo requires the irrigation back-flow preventer to be above ground the last couple of years I believe. The builders I’ve seen always hide it under the faux rock.

Hey John,

I have not had a chance to see Flo Mo’s local amendments and requirements. Was that change part of that? Any idea why they decided to change to above ground?

I see so many double check valves below grade flooded out all the time. They’re accepted if they use proper caps on the testcock points (TCEQ rules). However I find so many with improper caps. IMO Flo Mo made a right move but builders need to get a little more intelligent and not plant them in the yard so far out. It subjects them to damage even with the plastic rocks over them.

Hi Manny, I’m not sure when or why, I don’t see many new homes there lately and don’t keep up. Builder’s plumber on sight last time I was there told me the city started requiring it recently. The ones I saw were both in the flowerbed from what I remember and pretty well protected from physical damage. Wouldn’t freezing be an issue if we get some rare cold weather?

Hey John,

If we have an extended freeze and they are not protected or drained yes it can damage them. The valve in the OP’s pic is a FEBCO 850. They have a drainage procedure for freeze conditions here .

This is what I have been seeing with builders in locations I’ve seen them above ground. Under the Flinstone rock is an insulated bag. It should keep it safe under most cold conditions except those extended freezes. Remember a few years ago the extended freezes we had? Not only were these being trashed (they did not drain it or even insulate them) but a lot of tankless WH’s on outside walls got trashed as well!


Also above ground in Denton.