If you had to start your inspection biz all over... what would you do different?...

Do you performe inspections for your wife’s clients or for clients that are buying a house that your wife has listed? or is it a conflict of interest? just curious.

Marry a Real Estate Broker who is a member of the Millionaire Club. :wink:

Yes. It is fully disclosed prior to scheduling an inspection, and there is an additional form (prepared by my attorneys) that I have them sign.

Re: If you had to start your inspection biz all over… what would you do different?.

Open an ice cream shop.

Oaky - I have been doing this for 3 years - where do I get my hot realtor?

You gotta marry one. If you’re gonna get screwed by them, you might as well marry one.:wink:

Or you could just get in bed with them and join A$HI, right Linas!

Jealousy will get you nowhere Mr CMI.:p:p



Michael, thanks, these are great do"s and don’ts for a newbie.