Originally Posted By: jwortham This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
First off, they are realtors. Not clients. Your clients are the buyers.
You might be surprised the reaction you get when you call their bluff.
I would bet it's one guy telling all the others the "Legal Department" says they can't use you.
But, this is easy for me to say. It's not my business. Do whatever you feel you need. But the day a realtor dictates how I run my business is the day I sell it and take up Amway. 
Originally Posted By: pbolliger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think a quick and to the point booklet / pamphlet would be very helpful with the realtors . We need a National NACHI pamphlet concept!!! Instead of repeating the same thing over and over use the booklet/ pamphlet and hand them things out to clients , realtors or anybody interested…
Also you can ask every agent/ broker what make you different then your competitor. Then you can make them realize what they are asking.
Originally Posted By: bmargiotti This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
hello again,
after much debate, i sent my application to ASHI this week. the only difference of note is they are now requiring applicants to take the National Home Inspector Exam which we all know of. when i first researched ASHI this wasnt a requirement to join. just the 250 inspections.
i will continue to be a mamber of NACHI as well, but i couldnt continue to "fight the system" here in my local market. also, i guess it helps me because if Ohio adopts a state licensure, i will have already taken the test.
Originally Posted By: mcraig This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Rob: Smart man, We are all in business it is a great marketing move to belong to ASHI and NACHI and all the organizations you can. You stop the people even bothering you on what you belong to. and it is great for Realtors they think you are super HI because you are a member of everything they can think of So you must be the best HI in the area. It has been a good move for me to join all the organizations I can. We should all be successful and play the marketing game.
Originally Posted By: pbolliger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
mcraig wrote:
Rob: Smart man, We are all in business it is a great marketing move to belong to ASHI and NACHI and all the organizations you can. You stop the people even bothering you on what you belong to. and it is great for Realtors they think you are super HI because you are a member of everything they can think of So you must be the best HI in the area. It has been a good move for me to join all the organizations I can. We should all be successful and play the marketing game.   
So how much does that cost you? I can see your business card having every possible logo on it too but after a while you can't possible cover all the bases with respect to CEUis /MRC's requirements? Or can you and does it work double duty too? Do you take one class that would cover all association educational credit requirements and do they accept one class universally??
I belong to an professional association , the IEEE, How many of you know who that is and what they do and how much influence they have??
There are associations for anything and everything in this country as a way to centralize common interests ,create , influence the political and consumer segments but lets not forget that "special interest" can create and protect a market which can stifle competition if any. No deep pockets and you don't have a voice at times. Just ask the beef producers and the truckers for an example.. 
I am in no way making a political statement or slamming anyone so don't take my words for anything else here. This is just for the sake of discussion and to start a dialog. I expect many replies. Does belonging to an association make your job easier and does it help you land that job?
If I have a bogus college degree from an online bogus college that sends me a " certificate" does that influence my client about my expertise? Sure does according to a news blurb about people getting this "paper" for personal gain. hmmmm (I do not have such a "Paper"!)
My state requires licensing so that means to my client I am not a "fake" so where does fit in with clients perceptions of home inspectors and associations?
Originally Posted By: mcraig This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
First off yes it cost a lot of money to belong to many organizations, This is the cost of doing business. Next off I take my class’s from accredited schools (average 40 hrs a yr.) Also if some one go’s to get there degree on line that is there problem they have to answer to the state certification boards in most states. Yes it is possible to hold to all of the SOP’s of all organizations at the same time (except for NAHI not a member)My state has certification so the SOP’s have to match my state SOP’s. The whole point of being in business is to make a living and support yourself and family. When you are in an area with over 800 home inspectors you have to separate yourself from the pack and get creative or you will go out of business. I have watched many come and go over the last several years but I am still here and growing. It takes money to be in this business that is the mistake most people make when they get in to this business. If you can’t compete head to head with the top 10% of the HI’s in your area you will not make a good living and may not last 5 years. This is just a fact of doing business, if you swim with sharks you have to be a shark or you become dinner.
Originally Posted By: fbartlo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
, rather than the inspections I lose on account of not being or providing this, that, or the other thing – unless there is a considerable amount business lost due to something that can be controlled. If a large % of your potential clients are effectively shut out by not being in ASHI, then it does make sense to bite the bullet and join ASHI.
In this case, scoring the most runs is definitely more important than batting average, except when it comes to the return on your advertising dollar -- accounting for the value of your time regarding time-intensive marketing, of course.
But even if I do decide to join ASHI, I intend to wait until I have my 250 paid inspections under my belt to avoid that damnable "candidate" status, though I gotta wonder just how they verify them? Tax returns?
Is doing 250 inspections better experience than renovating houses full-time for 8 years? I think not.
Originally Posted By: dandersen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When you are in an area with over 800 home inspectors you have to separate yourself from the pack and get creative or you will go out of business.
We can separate ourselves from the pack and get creative by doing a more creative and better job inspecting and reporting.
I am not one for joining clubs. ASHI put a bad taste in my mouth from day one (9 years ago)!
To date, I only know of ONE Realtor who would not use me because I was not ASHI. She walked up to me at a Realtor meeting I was asked to attend and asked if I was with ASHI. I said no, she shook her head and walked off. She was older than dirt and I have never seen her on the street again (so it likely, it dosen't matter what she thinks).
It may just be my market area, but the subject just dosen't come up. Maybe the Realtors are overcoming the objection before it get's to me. I don't know, but it does not effect me. If it does, I couldn't handle the extra business anyway. 
I just joined NACHI and I have found it to be a wealth of information and a definite asset. You can't serve two masters and I see no reason to try.
If membership expense is just "a business expense", that expense just drives up the price of your inspections. If it's not driving up the inspection price, it's not a business expense. I don't know any of my clients that wants to pay more for the letters after my name. If your not charging more, your making less and that may get you a new job (at Wal-Mart).