Originally Posted By: jbushart
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It takes time to chip away at the false images that have been created regarding ASHI. I do have a few tips that you may find helpful. They are working well in many areas in Missouri.
First, educate your real estate agents in several areas. ASHI, for instance, does not "certify" home inspectors. NACHI is the association for "certified home inspectors". ASHI is a "society" for home inspectors who wish to pay them dues so they can join and "socialize" with each other. All can join. You can join, today, if you want to send them the money. No testing required.
What most knowledgable real estate agents are really asking when they want to know if I belong to ASHI (is how I usually begin my explanation, here) is whether or not I am accountable to someone other than my bookkeeper. Do I have a set of standards that I must follow? Do I do business in accord with a code of ethics? The answer is "yes". Then I explain that, unlike ASHI, NACHI required that I take and pass an entrance exam and clear other hurdles (SOP, affadavit of number of inspections, etc) before accepting my money for dues.
Not only that, but NACHI requires that - in order to maintain my membership - that I obtain 24 CEUs per year, test annually, etc.
Many NACHI members today are former members of ASHI who were able to meet our standards.
Second, be sure the agents in your area are aware of the training that your chapter (use Jeff Judy's if you have none) provides, each time there is an event. Invite them to attend. They won't, of course, but they will know about them. They will hear about them and they will notice how little they hear about ASHI providing its members the same thing.
Slowly but surely, they will move in your direction. Start with the newer agents.
If you join ASHI and have fewer than 250 inspections, your "candidate" status will do more to hurt you than help you, so IMO you should avoid publicizing it if you decide to join until you hit that number. By then, savvy NACHI members in your area will, hopefully, make that a wasted effort.
Good luck.
Home Inspection Services of Missouri
"We're NACHI. Get over it."