iNACHI Seminar in Kansas City

Well our 2nd Seminar of the Heartlands Regional Chapter of iNACHI went off well on Sat 2/25 in Lenexa, KS (suburb of Kansas City).

We had 48 inspectors registered and we did half day on Foundation Defects (diagnosing movements and cracks), then half day on Liability Reduction.

Lot of favorable comments.





Dan has always put on a top-notch class. Even though I am retired, helping out fellow local HI’s would be my desire. However, I observed that over half of the 40+ people that attended were from outside the KC area. Thanks to them for driving 2 to 4 hours one way to get to this forum.

This shows me that there are many HI’s in KC that do not care about learning, are ASHI people, or just plain do not want anything to do with InterNACHI. Sad thing is that the REA’s in this town continue to use these HI’s who could care less about anything but pleasing the REA’s. Wrong philosophy, IMO. Kansas City has far more attorneys than real estate agents. HI’s better consider that thought.