Infrared Certified® Thermography Inspection Course

This thread is dedicated exclusively to students enrolled in InterNACHI’s free online “Infrared Certified® Thermography Inspection Course.”

internachi infrared certified thermography course

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Students enrolled in this course can ask questions and join the discussion. Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. Read InterNACHI’s Inspection Community Guidelines.

To become Infrared Certified® and an InterNACHI® Infrared Certified® Thermography Inspector, visit Become Infrared Certified® - InterNACHI®


I just ran through this course quickly as I have been collaborating with Will Decker with this.

This question in the quiz and the final test does not have an illustration to go along with the question.

A few of these questions I answered as I interpreted the course information and they came up wrong.
Because of how it was taught, and then tested differently, may cause unnecessary confusion.
I may have to go back through the whole course again to verify ( could not back up once I got into the final exam), but you may take another look.

  1. Check answers. Though 90 degrees is wrong, the other options were not close. () was the closest.
  2. Qualitative/quantitative. Qualitative is beyond the scope.

  1. A lot of discussion was given in the course about how water passes through brick. So how did we come up with more dense?

  2. There are two different %# ?

5.The front door vs air infiltration as a primary source of air infiltration? Discussion of how doors and windows leak so much. The front door leaks more than any other single component in a house. Maybe not cumulatively across the building envelope, but it is the single most leaking component you will find.

I am doing this from memory as I can’t just go back w/o taking the whole thing again.


Hi, David.

If you could email me this information, that would be best. This thread is for students to use for discussion about the course. If you can use email, I can include the Education Team, Editor-in-Chief, Will, etc. Thanks for helping us keep our curriculum as accurate as possible.


What is the certification titled?

I’ve been inspecting with thermal imaging for over 15 years. Adding this certification course will be nice to have.

Hi, Ralph, hope this post finds you well.
15 years using thermography. What equipment have you used? Being 15 years, you surely must have used different infrared thermal cameras with varying cameras, settings, and computer software.
What certification/s do you have?
Looking forward to hearing from you.

I now use a Flir T440 which I really like, but they no longer make. I used a B200 Flir first which is similar, and I have An E6 as a back up for whenever I have to send my T440 to be calibrated.

If I was buying new now I’d probably get the T530 or 540.


Dan Bixler-OK lic#258
PO Box 720747
OKC, OK 73172


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I am taking the course now. There are a handful of typo’s. When I took Will Decker’s, I missed 2 questions that should have been right (according to the training material). I got a 96, but when I went to re-take I was 7 points lower and the same questions came up. Oh well. It’s still a great course. I am learning much from both Will and Ben. : )

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Hello, my question is about the Flir One. I’m starting to practice with it more and more every day now and just notice that when a take a photo it does not save to temperature embed in the photo. Is there a setting that I am missing. I got this second hand and no I do not have the book.


You can find the info on the web:

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Larry, thank you very much. Have a great day.

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Starting my IR course now too. There should be what looks like a little crosshair top left of your screen to get the temperature reading on the FLIR one. At least that’s where it is on mine.

Starting the IR class now.

A member just sent in a great essay response! Check it out:

View Question


Research & Writing Essay Instructions

  1. Study the picture provided. 
  2. In the box below titled “Your Essay," write an essay that describes what you’ve learned from studying the image using what you learned from the course. 

Your essay must meet the following criteria: 

  • It must be written in English. 
  • It must be at least 40 words in length. 
  • It must be written at a minimum 4th-grade level.  
  • It must sufficiently comment upon the chosen article or illustration that is related to insulation, ventilation, doors or windows. 

This research and writing essay assignment is very similar to what a home inspector does during a home inspection--performing an inspection, looking at inspection images, researching, studying, making observations, evaluating, writing notes, formulating opinions, and communicating observations in written form. 

Please continue with the course after submitting your essay. 

If the essay does not meet the criteria, you'll be notified by email to rewrite the essay.  

In the supplied images of the toilet and floor area, an assumption could be drawn that the toilet has an active leak at either the wax ring or floor flange. In Indiana, we see discoloration under the roll vinyl when this happens due to the migration of water trying to reactivate the water based glue used to install the sheet vinyl. In the case of the images, there is no discoloration so without the use of the thermal image camera, the inspector may not know there is a possible leak. After seeing the image, the inspector should put pressure on the floor at the base of the toilet to check for soft floor and then follow through with probing the floor with a moisture meter to verify moisture is present and then document all of the data collected in the report. The camera temperature range could maybe be adjusted a little, but for the application it appears to provide good evidence of the apparent leak.
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IR has helped me quite a few times to determine whether or not moisture is gathering behind clear silicone at the base of a toilet. I’m seeing more and more of this. Anyone else?

Do have an image to share?

What kind of IR camera do you have?

I use a c5 for residential.


It appears to me that the water is on top of the flooring…

So, as to the assumption of the cause and source should be carefully considered.
Proper tuning of the scan can determine this.

Excited to learn this new skill!