I’m making my “Infrared Inspectors Across America” map for my website. I am hoping to get 1 logo and 1 website address from each state.
If anyone doesn’t want me to list their site than please let me know. No offense will be taken.
I’ve noticed that many of you have numerous websites. I’m picking the first site listed in your thread signature. If you prefer a different site than please let me know. A copy of your logo would also be helpful but not essential and no rush.
Those of you who haven’t posted in this “Thermal Imaging” section in a while than your link would be helpful.
Hopefully this will help others as well. Having all the InterNachi Infrared Inspectors linked together can’t hurt anything in my opinion…
If any of you prefer an area of your State such as North Texas, Southern California, Eastern Kansas, etc… than let me know.
I’d prefer to have the whole map complete before adding it as a page on my websites. If any of you have InterNachi Infrared friends in States that are empty than please feel free to recommend their site.
I would just go to the InterNachi Thermal Imaging InspectorFinder as Nick suggested but I’m a little bit afraid. People seem to be quite easily irritated or angered these days. Although adding someones website and logo can only be helpful, I’m sure I’d end up posting the one inspectors logo that disapproved me not obtaining their permission.
I’d also like to have a map updated with Infrared Inspectors that do keep up with the forum and do have the desire to network amongst the group should the occasion arise.