"Infrared Thermography Inspection Training" video course

Hi, Christopher. There are states that regulate mold inspectors. Consider contacting the state department that handles licensing professionals. http://www.idfpr.com/ for IL licensing, or http://www.idph.state.ia.us/eh/healthy_homes_mold.asp for Iowa Health Dept.

Ok, Thanks

The first half hour of the video is a complete waste of time after that it gets good. he discussed flat roofs and detecting water under flat roofs however he did not discuss the variables that may exist with regards to thermal mass that may mimic water ie: air will also change temperatures at considerably different rates and may be trapped between membranes in a very uniform or round pattern.

Hi this is David Mahers home inspections I’m looking forward to the Infrared Thermography Inspection Training

Just finished the Building science course and have to say I can’t get enough of this. I am going to start the Infrared Thermography Inspection Training to give me the full understanding of this feature that I want to present to my future clients.
Came back here to say that this was a very interesting course and well worth the time again. The first part was a bit slow but gave a very good background to the rest of the video.

Looking forward to the course.

Hi everyone:
This really was a good course to take. It clearly showed how technology has improved the ability of the inspector to better serve his/her clients. I’ll definately be moving into getting certified in this field.

Starting Course!!

Just starting the course!
If anyone has recommendations for a good camera for a beginner, let me know!

Looking forward to taking this class. Long overdue

I missed the practical for july so im getting all i can till aug !

try this one again i feel asleep

Starting course now

Starting course now

Damaged rubber boots on plumbing jacks will allow moisture penetration in to the attic, insulation and drywall if not corrected.


This is a good introductory course, it will encourage me to seek further training.

This area of the ceiling in the master bedroom had previous water damage. It looked dry. But with the infrared camera, a wet spot was identified and verified by a moisture meter. I would not had been able to see the wet spot on the ceiling without the infrared camera.

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5756 Caithness Pl 037.jpg

5756 Caithness Pl 038.jpg

Starting this class today.

I unfortunately do not have a thermal imaging camera at this time but, fortunately I didn’t need one for this picture. This picture is part of the A/C duct located in the basement of the house that I am renting. One the duct is not properly sealed, two because of the lack of insulation around the duct condensation has built up on the duct, three electrical wiring is run under the duct instead of over allowing condensation to drip onto the wire bundle, and forth because of the damp conditions and condensation build up on the joist and creating an excellent area for mold growth.

One of the articles that I read for this class is Thermal Imaging Reports by Ben Gromicko & Kate Tarasenko.

I learned from this article that there is a few do’s and don’ts like, do inform your clients of the capabilities and limitations of thermal imaging, and don’t cause alarm to your clients with false readings or offer to repair the problem areas. Always stick to the technical and factual data and address your clients concerns. Be sure to include both standard and infrared of the same images so the client can be sure of what and where they are viewing. Interpret the data so the clients knows what they are viewing and the possible severity of the problems indicated. Always schedule re-inspection after the repairs are complete.

The second article that I read was Moisture Meters for Inspectors by Ben Gromicko and Kenton Shepard.

From this article I found that moisture meters are for detecting moisture in most building materials that are saturated or have a higher moisture content than 20% when mold can start to grow. One type of moisture meter is the pin type where you can insert the pins into the material to get a direct moisture reading or the search type that uses radio waves to detect moisture. One problem with the search type is false reading that can come from metal bands and wiring that may be around the piping.