Inspection Contracts and/or Agreements

Originally Posted By: hgordon
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Hi All…

The attorney who is speaking at our Aug 28 meeting has asked that I gather different inspection agreements used so that he can "critique" them.

Please consider helping us with this. If you include your name and contact info, I will email you his "findings"!

Send your inspection agreement/contract by email to

Harvey Gordon
SE Florida NACHI Chapter - President

Originally Posted By: jburkeson
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Doesn’t everyone just use the standard NACHI PIA? I do.

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Originally Posted By: dfrend
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I would never use just the standard. Mine is actually most of it, but with a lot more clauses added on. Different areas have different laws, and the NACHI one as written is not always broad enough to protect you as you should be. My attorney went through it, kept it all, then added a lot more.

For instance, my limitation of liability clause. It would not work everywhere, but here it does, so it was added. If I went with the standard, would not have as much protection.

Daniel R Frend
The Home Inspector Store