Originally Posted By: fglassford This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello Everyone,
This is my second post on this subject, I can't find the first one, sorry if this is a repeat for you.
My question is about the NACHI agreement. What kind of response have you guys had with it? Do you use it?
This is my first business venture and I have to admit that the possibility of being sued is a little scary. Is there anything that you guys can tell me that would help set my mind at ease?
Any help at all would be great.
I am a NACHI member, I have to figure out what is going on with that.
Originally Posted By: rcloyd This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have used the NACHI pre inspection agreement since starting my business a little over two years ago. It has been great. It has recently been updated by NACHI's attorney and is even more protective of the inspector. I highly recommend using it.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
Frank, the NACHI agreement is very good and has undergone continuous development, however you should still have your own attorney look it over to ensure that it complies with FL state laws.