Inspector pay for multi inspector firm

How do you pay your inspectors? Looks like this question was last asked and answered in 2010 so looking for more up to date answers. We are in the metropolitan Nashville TN area serving all of middle TN about 22 counties.

I pay them 75%

Which is high, unless you are requiring them to pay their own tools, insurance, gas, etc…

Typical is probably closer to 50 or 60%

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Lots of variation depending on what you provide and what they provide - transportation, tools, support, insurance, etc. 50/50ish splits are pretty common with them providing transportation and some tools. I started my guys at 45 and went up to 50 then added a bonus program for busy times of year to encourage them to stick around and hit it hard.


As an unrelated comment and as a solo act, I am amazed that any HI would work this hard for half the inspection fee.

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